Competitor price monitoring

Staying competitive means knowing your market. With ProductPrime's competitor price monitoring, you're always in the loop. Our tool diligently tracks and compares prices across similar e-commerce stores, alerting you to changes and trends. Rest assured, you'll make informed decisions to keep your pricing sharp and your business thriving.

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Competitor price monitoring in ProductPrime

How it works

Set Pricing Strategy

ProductPrime allows you to set a pricing strategy for your products, determining how your prices should compare against your competitors.

Add Competitor Pages

Easily add the product pages of your competitors to your product in ProductPrime, enabling precise price comparison and monitoring.

Discover Competitor Pages

Utilize various options in ProductPrime to discover and add competitor product pages.

Price Tracking

ProductPrime tracks your product prices as well as those of your competitors, providing the data for price positioning.

View Prices in ProductPrime

Always have a clear view of your product prices and your competitors' prices within ProductPrime, helping you make informed pricing decisions.

Notifications and Emails

Receive alerts in your notification inbox and via email when your pricing strategy is no longer met, allowing you to promptly adjust your prices.

Increase conversions by improving the quality of your webshop

Ensure that your webshop is in top shape, so you don't lose potential customers.

Start your 14 day free trial

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Trusted by 100+ webshops

Frequently asked questions

If you have some other questions, don't hesitate to contact us.